
Chicken Manure Extract


Chicken Manure Extract


CHICKOTEA, an Alternative to Raw Chicken Manure and Chicken Pellets with Much Higher Efficiency 

CHICKOTEA is an organic and ready-to-use fertilizer derived from the complete decomposition of plant and animal residues that compared to animal manure while maintaining desirable properties, does not have the disadvantages such as high shipping costs, low nutrient content, transmission of plant diseases and pests and increasing the salinity of soil. This liquid extract, due to its high content of amino acids and other organic acids, humic compounds, macro and micro elements has a significant effect on the biological, chemical and physical properties of the soil.

The specific and enriched formulation of CHICKOTEA stimulates root activity and increases the uptake of trace elements, enhances the population and activity of effective soil microorganisms, and improves the availability of trace elements in the soil. CHICKOTEA contains high-quality carbon compounds that amends saline and alkaline soils and can be applied in irrigation systems.
